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Research assistants

장유미 증명사진.jpg

Yumi Jang 

Ph.D. student in School of Media and Communication, Korea University

Interests  New media, Mobile platform, Crisis communication



Hello, I am studying for a Ph.D. in Media and communication studies at Korea University. I am mainly interested in new media and crisis communication. In particular, I have conducted research on the relationship between mobile platform’s service providers and users.


  1. Jang, Y. & Kim, S. (2021). Factors affecting restaurant operators’ intention to terminate their relationship with food delivery apps. Computers in Human Behavior, submitted

  2. 장유미, 윤영민. (2020). 텔레비전 드라마에 비친 고령자의 모습: 지상파 프라임타임대 드라마 속 고령층 묘사에 대한 양적 내용 분석. 한국방송학보, 34(6), 352-400.

  3. 장유미, 윤영민. (2019). 귀인복잡성과 사후확신편향이 기업 위기에 대한 공중의 책임성 인식에 미치는 영향. 한국언론학보, 63(4), 193-229.

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